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Student Services Administrative Staff

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Student Services Administrative Staff 2024-04-16T08:40:40+00:00

Deans and Administrators

Penn, Jamilyn EdDVice President of Student ServicesBuilding 6 Room 217206-592-3351jpenn@highline.edu
Chick, KylieExecutive Assistant, Vice President of Student ServicesBuilding 6, Room 218206-592-3077kmellott@highline.edu
Saechao, AyDean of Student Support and Funding ServicesBuilding 6 Room 243206-592-3303asaechao@highline.edu
Tony GarciaDean of Advising and Enrollment ServicesBuilding 6 Room 216206-592-3054tgarcia@highline.edu
Allen, Loyal, Jr.Associate Dean of Funding ServicesBuilding 6 Room 204206-592-3368lallen@highline.edu
Izzy WroblewskiAssociate Dean of Student LifeBuilding 8, Room 317206-592-4319iwroblewski@highline.edu
VacantAssociate Dean of Advising & Running StartBuilding 6, Room 161(206) 592-3886
Aspree, JesseDirector of International Student ProgramsBuilding 25 Room 511206-592-3277jaspree@highline.edu
Wendfeldt, LarisaDirector of CounselingBuilding 6 Room 233206-592-3579lwendfeldt@highline.edu
Dunn, JohnAthletic DirectorBuilding 26, Room 325(206) 592-3455jdunn@highline.edu