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Violence Prevention Training

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Violence Prevention Training 2024-10-23T13:37:14+00:00


Vector Solutions Courses: Hazing and Sexual Assault Prevention, and  Understanding Alcohol and Other Drug Use

Online Training for all Highline Students

Vector Solutions  courses in a required  online training program for all Highline Students designed to educate students on how to better create a safe, welcoming, and healthy campus community. This course focuses on learners identifying key elements of their personal identities and core values to understand how that influences their views on relationship, sexual assault prevention, hazing awareness and prevention, and understanding alcohol and other drugs.  Learners will explore how to prevent sexual assault and harassment on campus and all environments they interact with.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the importance of learning about sexual assault, healthy relationships, and consent to contribute to safe and supportive community
  • Identify key elements of their personal identities, including their core values, and understand how that influences how they view relationships and sexual violence
  • Identify healthy and unhealthy relationship practices
  • Recognize different forms of sexual harassment in learning and workplace environments
  • Practice skills to navigate consent-focused learner attitudes and behaviors
  • Learn how to access resources for support
  • Safely engage in bystander intervention

Login to Complete your training

Assignment and the Requirement

Once you are registered for courses at Highline, you will be invited to the Voices for Change course one week prior to the quarter starting. If you register for courses between the first assignment time and the add/drop date, you will be invited the Monday after the add/drop date. You will use your Highline student email and CTC Link password to access the course.

Starting Fall 2021, all Highline students will be required to complete the course by their assigned due date. Moving forward, only new students will be required to complete the course at the beginning of their first quarter at Highline.

Terms Joining HighlineAccess DateDue Date
Fall 2024October 17, 2024December 13, 2024

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need assistance including assignment of courses and due dates, please contact us directly at conduct@highline.edu

Highline College believes in the importance of this training.  At the same time, we recognize that the topics, particularly sexual misconduct, may be triggering for some members of our community. While the content was designed by experts and written in a trauma-informed way, we recognize that everyone’s experience is different. As you engage with the program, if you find that this is your experience, please contact us at conduct@highline.edu to request an accommodation. We have options. We hope this goes without saying, but we care deeply about all our students and are always available to talk.


Exceptions or concerns about the course content? Contact Us

Phone: 206-592-3303

Email: conduct@highline.edu

Frequently Asked Questions

How will I know when I have access to the course? 

I can’t access the program, what should I do? 

Why is it required?

What if the content of this program triggers me?

I have ideas for improvements! Where should I direct them? 


How will I know when I have access to the course?

Students can expect an email to their Highline Student email when they are added to the platform and a course is assigned. This email will come from Get Inclusive and is occasionally sent to your spam folder. If you do not get an invite after the second access date has passed, check your spam folder. It may be there.

I can’t access the program, what should I do?

Students who are registered one week prior to the quarter will be added at that one week mark, if you are not registered at that time, you will be added the day after the last add/drop date. Students can expect an email notification with an introduction, course information, due dates, and instructions for accessing Sexual Assault Prevention for Community College through the our vendor, Get Inclusive. Be sure to check your email, specifically your spam, deleted, or other email folders. If you cannot find the course invitation, please contact conduct@highline.edu.

Why is it required?

Highline College requires students to complete this course due to a variety of reasons including:

  • To promote knowledge and awareness of sexual misconduct in hopes of creating a violence-free campus community
  • To introduce students to their important role in preventing relationship and sexual violence, stalking, and all other forms of harassment
  • So all students are familiar with campus polices and local law
  • To share local and campus  resources that are available for student support
  • To fulfill Title IX training requirements of the Department of Education
  • To fulfill Washington State Hazing prevention education requirement

What if the content of this program triggers me?

We understand the sensitive nature of sexual misconduct. The program was written in a trauma-informed way; however, we recognize everyone is different. If you’d like to complete this program with additional support or accommodation, please contact conduct@highline.edu.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the content of this program, please contact our office at 206-592-3303 or at conduct@highline.edu so you can privately discuss your individual situation and determine the best way to proceed. We have options. We hope this goes without saying, but we care deeply about all our students and are always available to talk.

I have ideas for improvements! Where should I direct them?

We love feedback and strive to make the course better for our students. We share all feedback with our partners at Get Inclusive who created the Voices For Change Violence Prevention course and actively partner with them to improve the modules.

Feedback will be collected form participants at the end of the course. If you have additional suggestions for improvement, we’d love to hear from you. You can email conduct@highline.edu and one of our staff will get back in touch with you.