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Student Title IX Resources

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Student Title IX Resources 2024-09-27T09:57:40+00:00


What is Title IX?

Title IX provides an accountability process for a wide array of sex- and gender-based discrimination, including such things as: sexual harassment, sexual Assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, gender-identity, gender-expression, and pregnancy.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681) is an all-encompassing federal law that prohibits gender- and sex-based discrimination in educational programs that receive federal funds. Title IX is most commonly associated with gender discrimination in sports and is credited with advancing participation of women in athletics. However, the scope of Title IX is much more broad. It prohibits sex- and gender-based discrimination in all college programs and activities.

Title IX protection from discrimination extends to faculty, staff and students. It covers a wide array of sex- and gender-based discrimination, including such things as: sexual harassment, sexual Assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, gender-identity, gender-expression, and pregnancy. It also prohibits retaliation against anyone who makes or participates in a complaint.

Related Highline College Policies & Procedures

  1. Student Conduct Code WAC 132I-126
  2. Highline College Title IX Grievance Procedure 
  3. Supplemental Title IX Employee Disciplinary Hearing Procedure

Student Reporting Options

  1. Online Referral Form – Anyone who has experienced or witnessed possible relationship violence, sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, sexual assault, or stalking, can report using this Online Referral Form. Reporting is a choice, not a requirement for students. Support is available whether or not you chose to file a formal report. A report does not automatically initiate an investigation. *Employees are obligated to report.*
  2. Report in-person– Visit Building 12, Room 134 to connect with our Title IX Coordinator, Danielle Slota, to make a report in-person
  3. Report via phone– Call 206-592-3600 to start the reporting process over the phone

Supportive Measures Available

Supportive measures offered during the course of an investigation are determined on a case by case basis. You do not have to engage the formal Title IX process to access supportive measures.

They may include, but are not limited to –

  • Campus enforcement of no contact orders
  • Campus Safety escorts
  • Rescheduling of classes
  • Temporary work reassignments
  • Referrals for counseling or medical assistance
  • Disciplinary action for the respondent consistent with the College’s Student Conduct Code


Title IX Coordinator

Name: Danielle Slota
Title: Title IX Coordinator & Executive Director of the President’s Office
Office: Office of the President, Building 12, Room 134
Email: dslota@highline.edu
Phone: (206) 592-3600


Resource Guides

Resource Guide for Complainant(Survivor or Person impacted by the alleged sexual harassments behavior)

Resource Guide for Respondent (Person being accused/ alleged of sexual harassment behavior)

FAQ Guide for Witnesses (Person who witnessed the alleged sexual harassment behavior)

Violence Prevention Training

Sexual Assault Prevention for Community Colleges by Vector Solutions a required 65 minute online training program for all Highline Students designed to educate students on how to better create a safe, welcoming, and healthy campus community. This course focuses on learners identifying key elements of their personal identities and core values to understand how that influences their views on relationships and sexual violence. Learners will explore how to prevent sexual assault and harassment on campus and all environments they interact with.

Learn more about Vector Solutions Trainings

Log in and complete your training.