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Student Conduct Sanctions

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Student Conduct Sanctions 2021-08-09T17:33:08+00:00

Disciplinary Sanctions & Terms and Conditions

Sanctions Brief Descriptions

View full description of disciplinary sanctions, Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 132I-126-125.

  • Disciplinary warning or Written reprimand: A verbal or written statement to a student that there is a violation and that continued violation may be cause for further disciplinary action
  • Disciplinary probation: Formal action placing specific conditions and restrictions upon a student’s continued attendance
  • Disciplinary suspension: Dismissal from the college and from the student status for a stated period of time.
  • Dismissal: The revocation of all rights and privileges of membership in the college community and exclusion from the campus and college-owned or controlled facilities without any possibility of return.

Terms and Conditions Brief Descriptions

View full description of terms and conditions, Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 132I-126-125.

  • Restitution: Reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property, or for injury to persons, or for reasonable cost incurred by the college in pursuing an investigation or disciplinary proceeding. This may take the form of monetary reimbursement, appropriate service or other compensation.
  • Professional evaluation: Referral for drug, alcohol, psychological or medical evaluation by an appropriately certified or licensed professional. The student may choose the professional within the scope of practice and with the professional credentials as defined by the college.
  • Not in good standing: A student may be deemed “not in good standing” with the college and will be subject to restrictions: ineligible to hold an office in any student organization; ineligible to represent the college to anyone outside the college community in any way.
  • No contact order: An order directing a student to have no contact with a specified student, college employee, a member of the college community or a particular college facility.
  • Educational sanction. The college may require the student to complete an educational activity or experience directly related to the violation committed, at the student’s expense.