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Behaviors 2021-12-06T12:28:56+00:00


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Yellow Flags, Warning Signs, and Indicators

Refer to the following table for identified behaviors and examples.

BehaviorExamples of Behavior
Suicidal ideationDepressed and expresses hopelessness and despair.

Reveals suicidal preparatory behavior.
Anger problemsDifficulty controlling anger; loss of temper; impulsivity.

Making threats; both direct and indirect.
Violent fantasy contentWriting stories, essays, compositions containing violence.

Drawings/artwork depicting violence.
Fascination with weaponsRepeated talk, images or written words involving lethal weapons not related to class or job.
Homicidal ideationExpresses contempt for other(s).

Makes comments and/or gestures indicating violent aggression.
StalkingFollows, harasses, surveils, attempts to contact regardless of target's expressed annoyance and demands to cease and desist.
Patterns of non-compliance and disciplinary issues Refuses to show ID to college official.

Does not obey reasonable requests or directions by college official.
Imitation of, and fascination with other murdersInterest in previous shooting situations.
Strangeness and aberrant behaviorUnusual for student's normal range of behaviors.

Actions and words that cause people around him/her to become fearful and suspicious.
Violence and crueltyEnjoys cruel behavior and/or is able to view cruelty without being disturbed.
Inappropriate expression of affect (feelings) Expresses disproportionate anger or humor in situations not warranting it.

Attacks surrogate targets.