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Student Rights and Responsibilities 2023-10-06T12:40:56+00:00

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Civility Statement

Highline College Student Graduates at the ShoWare Center in Kent WashingtonMembers of Highline College community are dedicated to promoting a learning and working environment that ensures mutual respect, civility, honesty and fairness. Members of the college community are expected to uphold the college’s values and ethics necessary to maintain a positive campus environment, which includes health, safety and welfare of the campus community. To be active participants in the process of education, college community members will strive to adhere to the following expectations:

  1. To be positive contributors to the college environment and the surrounding community.
  2. To conduct themselves with civility and be held accountable as members of the Highline College community.
  3. To be honest and take responsibility for treating others with respect and dignity.
  4. To be open to the concepts of civic leadership, diversity, inclusion, social justice, and wellness.
  5. To be open-minded and prepared to learn.

The following rights are guaranteed to each student within the limitations of statutory law and college policy as deemed necessary to achieve the educational goals of the college.

The first two student rights below (Academic freedom and Due process) are listed in the Student Conduct Code under WAC 132I-126-040

Academic freedom

  1. Students are guaranteed the rights of free inquiry, expression, and assembly upon and within college facilities that are generally open and available to the public.
  2. Students are free to pursue appropriate educational objectives from among the college’s curricula, programs, and services, subject to the limitations of RCW 28B.50.090(3)(b).
  3. Students are protected from academic evaluation which is arbitrary or capricious, but are responsible for meeting the standards of academic performance established by their instructors. Grade complaints are administered through the Complaints against Faculty Members section 807 of the Highline College Education Association (HCEA) negotiated agreement.
  4. Students have the right to a learning environment that is free from unlawful discrimination, inappropriate and disrespectful conduct, and sexual harassment.

Due process

  1. Students have the right to be secure in their persons, quarters, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures.
  2. No disciplinary sanction will be imposed on any student without prior notice to the accused of the nature of the charges.
  3.  A student accused of violating the student conduct code is entitled to procedural due process.

Distribution and posting

Students may distribute or post printed or published material subject to official written procedures available in the Public Safety Office. All free publications not in violation of state and/or federal laws may be distributed from authorized public areas subject to time, place, and manner as determined by the college. Students distributing printed materials are responsible for litter control of all distributed material.

Off-campus speakers

Recognized student organizations have the right to invite outside speakers to speak on campus subject to the availability of campus facilities, funding, and compliance with the college procedures available in the Center for Leadership & Service.

Commercial activities

The use of college grounds or facilities for commercial or private gain is prohibited except with the approval of the Center for Leadership & Service consistent with vending and fund-raising guidelines. Commercial activities that generate contractual and/or financial debt relationships with students are prohibited. The college reserves the right to charge commercial vendors for the use of college facilities.

Sale of merchandise

All merchandise offered for commercial sale may be sold only through the Highline Bookstore or college food services except when approved by the Center for Leadership & Service, Conference and Event Services, or affiliated academic departments as part of the co-curricular experience.

Right of assembly

Students have the right to conduct or participate in any assembly on facilities that are generally available to the public provided that such assemblies:

  1. Are conducted in an orderly manner;
  2. Do not unreasonably interfere with classes, scheduled meetings or ceremonies, or college sponsored events;
  3. Do not unreasonably interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic ;or
  4. Do not cause destruction or damage to college property.

College groups are encouraged to notify the Public Safety Office no later than forty-eight hours in advance of an event. However, unscheduled events are permitted so long as the event does not interfere with any other function occurring at the facility or college.

Right of Organizing

As authorized by The Board of Trustees of Highline Community College (Feb. 10, 1994) Highline College students have the right to form student clubs and organizations and are afforded rights (such as gathering, space, funding, and fundraising) under the provisions of the Associated Students of Highline College (ASHC) Constitution and Bylaws as outlined in the Club Handbook. ASHC members are governed by the Associated Council, which consists of representatives from each ASHC-recognized student club, and the Executive Council (president, vice president, and speaker of the caucus). 

ASHC and CORE student leaders will serve on councils and committees across the college to form and review policies and procedures, and support a student centered institution. 

Students have the right to participate in extracurricular and co-curricular activities through the Center for Leadership and Service, Center for Cultural and Inclusive Excellence and other S&A Funded opportunities.

See more at: CLS

Rights of ownership of works

Employees of Highline College will not use any student’s published or unpublished works for personal gain without written consent from the student.

Student responsibilities

The college is responsible for providing an educational environment rich in the high quality resources needed by students to attain their individual educational goals. In return, students are responsible for making themselves aware of the full breadth of the resources available, for the timely choosing and appropriate use of those resources, and for the specific activities necessary for attaining the desired goals and outcomes. Student responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  1. Actively participating in the learning process by adhering to the college’s policies, practices, and procedures;
  2. Attending all class sessions;
  3. Utilizing campus resources;
  4. Participating actively in the advising process;
  5. Seeking timely assistance in meeting educational goals;
  6. Assuming responsibility for the selection of courses to achieve those goals.

Student Absence for Reasons of Faith and Conscience

In accordance with Senate Bill 5166, Highline College will grant *reasonable accommodations* for students who request to be absent for reasons of faith or conscience, or for an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or religious organization.

Such absences must be requested in writing within the first two weeks of the quarter and may not incur additional fees for students. Each holiday taken under this policy must be taken as a whole day, i.e. the day may not be divided into hours and taken piecemeal. Students who have concerns about approval or a grade impact may utilize the student grievance procedure for concerns not directly related to grades, or to the grade appeal process in cases impacting a final grade.

Student Procedures:

  1. Student must request planned absences in writing to their faculty member within the first two weeks of the course.
  2. Faculty member will respond within two business days of receiving the request from the student.
  3. Faculty will work with student to determine make up or rescheduling of any missed assignments and/or exams.

*Reasonable accommodation* is defined as coordinating with the students on scheduling examinations or other activities necessary for completion of the class and/or program and includes rescheduling examinations or activities or offering different times for examinations or activities. Such requests must be made to the faculty member/s within the first two weeks of the quarter and should follow the procedures.