Student Conduct Process
Report is submitted: alleged violation of Student Conduct Code.* Click here to submit an incident report of alleged Student Conduct violation.
- Preliminary investigation: Information gathering from complainant, witnesses and reporting parties (When possible The Office of Standards will respond to the reporting parties within 48 hours). Letter and email notification of disciplinary meeting is sent to the student (Code Violations).
- Initial Disciplinary Meeting: Student attends a hearing with the Student Conduct Officer. Allegations are presented and the student(s) are given the opportunity to respond and explain. All parties involved may be accompanied by a non-attorney assistant or advocate of his/her choice at any point during the process.
- Action based on findings: within ten business days, student is notified of the outcome of the initial disciplinary meeting.
*This process may be modified or expanded to include summary suspension or other actions based on the severity and nature of Code violations. For a full description of the Student Conduct Process including Title IX related proceedings, please review the Highline College Student Conduct Code.
Possible actions include:
- Exoneration
- Disciplinary Warning (verbal)
- Written Reprimand
- Disciplinary Probation
- Disciplinary Suspension (specific time period)
- Disciplinary Dismissal (permanent removal)
- In some cases, the Student Conduct Officer may refer a student to the Student Conduct Committee for disciplinary action.